
※印心禪法體驗禪-禪的妙用 (7歲以上都可以來參加~~~)
請洽:新竹市科園禪修會館 (請先預約) TEL : 03-6669995;
E-MAIL : BC300@buddhachan.org

2014年4月23日 星期三


每個人的心中都有靈光   作者:覺妙妙明

   我從一位武術老師那裡初次接觸了「禪」。當時,對「禪」的認識就是盤腿和腹部呼吸。除 了「身」以外,那位老師也強調對「心」和「靈」的體驗,由此我開始涉獵一些古籍,比如說:中國的孫子兵法、老子、莊子、孔子思想,和日本的五輪書等等,然 後,逐漸深入到佛教思想和一些佛經的研究。
   我在紐約、匹茲堡、西維吉尼亞等地四處參訪一些禪修中心,像日本大佛禪堂,更正式和嚴肅地進行禪修。幾年之間,我先後在日本禪宗和南傳原始佛教等不同宗派正 式受戒。然後,不論我到世界上任何地方,我都會去尋找禪寺或是修行團體。我從許多傑出的老師那裡學到了很多,也在各個不同的禪修中心和許多同修共修而獲得成長。
   為了進一步提升自已,我四年前來到中國,而有因緣參加上海的印心禪法禪修班,並在2011年9月首次見到 妙天禪師。
   在悟覺妙天師父演講完畢之後,我和師父暢談了一番。我們討論到禪修如何將中醫和氣功結合在一起,然而,禪修的真實義並不在其外相表相,而是在靈性層次的修行。當下,我瞭解到,我以前的所學、所修、所知的一切,都是為了把我帶到這個地方,這個當下。然後, 師父傳我心法,從而徹底改變了我的一切。
    覺得心臟裡面有一股很強大的力量,像一個氣球不斷地脹大開來,在心臟的中心有一個很強的白色光點,感覺癢癢的,晶瑩閃爍。這樣的感覺一直持續著,從未 消失,禪定、讀經或"做好事" 的時候,會更強烈一些。有時候力量大到有點不舒服,但沒有痛感,有時感覺心臟一直膨脹,大到跟房間一樣大。
   不論是武術,SCA靜坐還是劍道,訓練時通過承擔後果或負強化來提高技藝 – 比如要是專注力不夠,就會被擊中,痛感促使你集中精力,或是通過競爭來提高。
    1974年以來,我每天都做這方面的練習。而現在,我突然變得一點打擊別人的欲望都沒有了。即使在教學或練習當中,明知對方受傷的可能性很小,我不願 給對方造成任何痛感,或讓他產生任何對痛感的恐懼。同樣,我已經沒有打敗別人的慾望了。我不願意因為我的勝利,造成對方的失敗。然而,我在身體方面的訓練 強度更強了,包括太極、氣功、少林武術、西方的擊劍、日本劍道、菲律賓戰術等等,我的專注力比以前高了許多,而且,也可以感受到氣在脈輪和氣脈間運行,甚 至明顯地感覺到這種氣流通過我手中的器械釋放到體外。
   可以看到金黃色、綠 色或是紫色的能量聚集、濃縮,然後飄移或向四周迸射,有時速度極快;縮成一點,消失。有時候是一大團的能量在旋轉,伴有面容出現;清楚地感到這股能量從身 體,意識中離開,然後就覺得身體很輕、很空。通常就是看到金、綠、紫三色,大部份時間是金色和綠色光。只有在與師父面對面,師父予我以心傳心的加持時,我 才看到紅色的光。但自從那次以後,每次禪定的開始和結束,我看到的都是紅色的光。
    有時可以看到或感覺到週圍的人或靈性體的能量,有時感覺或看到一些靈性體。這些靈性體有的是人形,有的只是能量體。這種感覺非常地自然,似乎他們一直 存在,只是以前未發現而已。 覺得就像在一個黑暗的房間裡突然把燈打開,房間裡的人與物頓時看得清清楚楚;或是把窗簾拉開,就可以馬上看清楚窗外的景物。比如,有一次,我們五位同事在 一個會議室裡很專心地討論工作,突然變成有二十個人在聚精會神地工作。有時候我在家或在其他地方也看到類似的情景。這些靈性體,不論是有人形或是沒有人 形,感覺起來是一樣的。如果我不是很刻意地去看祂們,祂們就一直在那裡。但是只要我刻意去看,祂們就會消失。
    長久以來,我一直覺得我本身只是一個能量與知識的導體或是傳輸管,能量和知識只是單純地從我身上流過。現在,這方面的感覺變得更加深遠。我以前對任何 事物都會質疑,總是要找出一個新的觀點。然而現在當智慧與能量在我身上流過,我完全沒有疑問了。這就是正確答案,這就是真理。就像悟覺妙天師父的 以心傳心一樣,不需要有疑問,不需要多做說明,這就是真理。真理不是透過問答而理解的。真理也不是靠身體、意識、感官來理解的。這種能量的連結與流通也是 如此。在師父給我做傳心之前,這一切都非常地抽象,我的意識完全無法理解,但是在師父給我傳心之後,這一切都非常地清楚而簡單,意識毫無作用了。
    我最近的體驗是,在一吸一呼之間,能量就進入了名色、下到無始、然後同時往上進入風路、水路、火路。這時,不需專注任何脈輪就可以感受到每一個脈輪, 然後,三路會合在禪心,煥發出很大的能量。這樣一個循環就在一呼一吸之間完成。每呼吸一次,就循環一次。所以,這種感覺更像是能量從無始到禪心之間的"脈 動",而不是"流轉"。
   我對周遭環境和世界的看法改變了。我現在可以看到,也可以感覺到每個人都有這個靈光……我看到他們是怎麼把這個光給遮住了……我也知道該怎麼幫助他們…… 我往後要走的路已經明明白白地擺在面前了。

Heart-to-heart Transmission

Written by  from Heart Chan
"Within each of us is a light."

"My way of seeing the world and those around me has changed. I see and feel this light inside everyone now.. I see how they cover it up.. I feel how to help.. My path forward is very clear."

My first introduction to sitting Chan was from a martial arts teacher that incorporated seated postures and belly breathing as essential aspects of the practice. He also advocated we develop an appreciation of the mind and spirit, not just body.. This was a spark that led me to study classics of sun zu, go rin no sho, lao tsu, chung tsu, kong zi, etc… and from there eventually into Buddhist doctrine and sutra study.

I took up more formal and serious practice of zen from such places as Zen Mountain Monastery in upstate New York, Zen Center of Pittsburgh, Dai Bosatsu Zendo, and Bahavana in West Virginia.. I practiced, took formal vows first within the Japanese ritual of jukai then a few years later in Theravada upasaka.. Where ever I travelled in the world I’d seek a zen temple, monastery, practice group.. I learned much from great teachers and from sitting with dedicated people in living room meditation centers.

I was inspired to open Dragonsgate. A Chan meditation center that provided free classes in body practice like taichi and qigong, study of zen classics, traditional Chinese medicine but always with meditation practice as the foundation for each of these.

To deepen my practice I relocated to China about four years ago, and as result of practicing with the Shanghai Chan group had opportunity to be exposed to Shifu’s teaching, eventually meeting him a few months ago.

Shifu and I had a wonderful talk after the session, discussing how Chinese medicine, qigong study are all integrated within his teaching, but that the real expression was not form based, but true spiritual practice.. I knew immediately all my previous years of learning, practice and study led me to this place, this point in time.. then Shifu offered me teaching, direct heart-to-heart.. and changed me…

I experienced profound changes..

Heart feeling: positive pressure (Like a balloon has been inflated inside my heart), intense white light in center of my heart, “tingle” or “sparkling” sensation.

This feeling is constant, never goes away, increases during meditation, reading sutra, or doing something “good”.. sometimes pressure is uncomfortable, but never painful.. grows as large as a room at times.

Change-of-heart: martial arts, SCA, Kendo, etc.. Many of these arts provide their training via consequence or negative reinforcement.. (eg: if mind isn’t in the current moment you get hit, pain of impact reinforces to keep your mind focused) or through competition.

After training daily in these arts since 1974, like a light switch, I now feel absolutely no desire to hit someone. Even though there is usually no physical injury in a practice session, I don’t want to cause pain or even fear of possible pain, as teaching. In a similar feeling, now I have no desire for competition, no desire to win at cost of someone else’ loss. My physical practice though (taichi, qigong, shaolin weapons, western fencing, flipino arnis, kendo, etc…) is more intense, focused and higher level than before… can feel the qi flow through channels/charkas and even extended-projected external through the weapons much more clearly.

Sitting Chan (meditation) purifying.. Gold, green, or purple energy gathers/condenses.. then drifts or “shoots away” sometimes at  high speed, to vanishing point.. sometimes with faces in the swirling energy mass… a definite feeling of energy leaving the body and mind.. feel “lighter” or less full afterwards. Typically only these three colors, and by far mostly gold/green.. only ever saw “red” during the actual heart-to-heart transmission with Shifu, but over the next several weeks, red has been dominant at beginning and end of each of my meditations.

Spiritual world transparency: Sometimes see and/or feel essence or energy of other people/spirits in a room, sometimes human shape, sometimes just energy. This feels very natural like they have always been there, just unseen. Its like turning on a light in a darkened room and suddenly seeing much more detail of what and who are in there or like pulling away a window shade to see more clearly through a window. For example: in a conference room at work my team of five people becomes a room of twenty people working, focusing, interaction.. sometimes see this at home or other places.. energy or spirit in a body shape or without a body.. feels no real difference. If see these in periphery or don’t focus on them, they stay, relaxed, if I focus directly they fade away.

Chan Ding: A wonderful deepening of experiences of “Chan Ding”.. it happens much more frequently than before. I see many points-of-light.. Extreme clarity of thoughts, true wisdom access.

On several occasions when I close my eyes to begin meditation there are many, many points of intense light.. flashing, flickering, connected. This seems always to be a prelude to very deep , no mind state, then information, knowledge, wisdom becomes very clear, simple to understand. Things I have contemplated for years, but didn’t see this new perspective or link, the clarity is now much deeper, but very accessible.

Although I have felt for a long time that I am like a conduit or pipe that energy, knowledge etc.. simply flows through.. this feeling is far more profound now. I used to question everything, always looking for another unconsidered perspective.. with this flow of wisdom there is no question, it is correct, it is fundamental truth. Just as the Masters heart-to-heart transmission requires no questioning no explanation, it is truth, is beyond question.. beyond body, senses or mind… this connection or flow through is same. Before transmission this is very abstract, mind cannot grasp, after transmission it is extremely clear and simple… there is nothing for the mind to grasp.

Chakra: Can very clearly feel all 10, energy flow very tangible, but more of a “pulse” than “cycling”. In one subtitled DVD of Shifu's Heart Chan lectures, that I have had for several years (maybe 12a) Shifu talks about energy flowing up wind channel and down fire channel, this seems to be very similar to Taoist “micro-cosmic orbit” but from the DVD lecture I have, it seems to neglect the water channel. My experience recently has been that on the in-breath, energy enters through navel charka, flows down to root charka, then “pulses” up through each channel at same time, can feel each charka without focus on any of them, then it ends with energizing or stimulating Chan charka.. this cycle completes once each breath. So it feels more like a “pulse” of energy flowing from Root to Chan, charka, rather than a circle or cycle of the energy.

At first there feelings were always warm, sometimes even hot.. after discussing with Shifu, he told me to focus to a much smaller, much finer point .. when I started to do this.. the cool feeling was experienced almost immediately.

My way of seeing the world and those around me has changed. I see and feel this light inside everyone now.. I see how they cover it up.. I feel how to help.. My path forward is very clear.

    So the question becomes, how do you take this accumulation, this aggregate and put it together so it can be passed on to the next generation, how can you use it to benefit peoples’ lives right now.
    People express their spirituality the same way we create our living space.. we have the room where we live our life, the safe place, our sanctuary.. we purchased a sofa, a chair.. a table, maybe a rug for warmth, a picture or other art decoration that feels meaningful to us.. then we feel very comfortable in this place.
   Our spiritual practice evolves along a similar pattern.. we are exposed to different people, different practices from family, friends, colleagues, those we enter into relationships with.. all help us create a spirituality where we feel comfortable….just as a chair someone suggests for us might not feel comfortable so we seek one that fits us better, we might find ourselves seeking another perspective on our spiritual practice that feels more complete… these are our form, the form of our room, the form of our practice.
   Heart Ch’an doesn’t ask you to change form you are comfortable with… its more like helping you find the light switch in your comfortable room.. it doesn’t ask you to throw away or replace anything, it just helps you see what you already have brighter, with greater detail than you realized was possible, so you can more deeply appreciate it..
   Just as you will see your furniture and art works better in brighter light.. you will see yourself , your life, relationships, your spirit… more clearly when you uncover the light within yourself.. no one asks you give up, change or replace what you are comfortable with.. only offers a path to see and experience it more clearly through practice of Heart Ch’an
   I will use my life experience from beginnings and evolution in western culture and blend with all the gifts shared with me in China and the Heart Ch’an teachings of Master Miao Tian.. and take these back to the West and share them there.. To help people find the light switch to see their lives more clearly, more brightly..
   From the light that is within all of us