
※印心禪法體驗禪-禪的妙用 (7歲以上都可以來參加~~~)
請洽:新竹市科園禪修會館 (請先預約) TEL : 03-6669995;
E-MAIL : BC300@buddhachan.org

2014年10月8日 星期三


圖片來源 :  財團法人釋迦牟尼佛救世基金會


  1. About Miao-Tian Shifu’s Practice

There are many people that teach very good Buddhist practices. There are varied good mediation instructors and there are many good people that teach Buddhist practice. But everyone that I’ve ever met, has not got beyond form, everybody only teaches how to release the mind. The highest level in every other school, monasteries or temples I’ve been in, they teach you how to break through the mind. Shifu takes this to a much higher level; he takes this to touch your spirit. This is the goal of all these other schools but they don’t know how to get there; their path stops. Shifu knows how to get to the end, and I can feel this immediately and I know it is absolutely true.

Shifu’s practice is spiritual practice and everyone else that I’ve ever met all over the world is still stuck in form practice, and you can feel this difference very clearly.